Exploring Your Faith

Journeying in the Catholic faith
Are you thirsting for more in your life? Who is God calling you to be?
If you’ve been wrestling with those big questions, or if something’s been drawing you into a deeper relationship with God through the Catholic faith, we’re here to help you
We meet most every Monday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. in the lower level of the Tiny Tim Center. Together, we explore God’s will for our lives as we grow in faith and into the Sacramental life of the Church, through the waters of Baptism, the peace of Reconciliation, the strengthening power of Eucharist and Confirmation with the Holy Spirit.
If you have any questions or for more information about the process, feel free to call our Adult Formation Director, Deacon Jim Caristi, at (219) 464-4831 ext. 235 during office hours or Deacon Mike Foster in the evenings at (219) 464-8103.
There’s no cost to explore your faith and no requirements. All God asks for is an open heart and a willing mind.
Interested in helping others grow in faith?
If you are a parishioner who would like to become involved in RCIA, this is a team-oriented ministry of evangelization and catechesis, which aims to fulfill the directives of the Second Vatican Council for the initiation of adults into the Roman Catholic faith. The ministry consists of a team of parishioners as well as sponsors and additional parish support personnel. Those invited to participate include those who wish to become Roman Catholic, those interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, and those who are now Roman Catholic and seek an increased understanding or updating of their faith.
Participation as an inquirer, team member, or sponsor is open to all. No prior training or knowledge is required and the process is offered without cost to the participant.
Contact Deacon Mike Foster revdrmike@hotmail.com or (219) 464-8103 for more information.