Art & Environment
These are the "Church Decorators." Our ministry is to enhance the worship and prayer spaces of Saint Paul to come alive throughout the various seasons of the Church.

Garden Club
This group of dedicated men and women helps maintain the church grounds, caring for flowerbeds, trimming hedges, and other horticultural activities.

Funeral Luncheons
A beautiful tradition in the Saint Paul Catholic Community is providing free luncheons to our family members following a funeral. A core team arranges for the main dishes, while volunteers are phoned to bring sides, salads, and desserts. Donations are always welcome.

Stewardship Ministry
A volunteer stewardship chair person is wanted to form a committee that engages a process to deepening the understanding of parishioners that all is God’s and non is our. This process is ongoing defined by an active, prayer membership. The priority of this committee is the education of and the formation of Stewardship.

Hospitality and Welcome Ministry
Enrich the overall hospitality offered by St. Paul Church.