Art & Environment

These are the "Church Decorators." Our ministry is to enhance the worship and prayer spaces of Saint Paul to come alive throughout the various seasons of the Church.

Garden Club

This group of dedicated men and women help maintain the church grounds, caring for flowerbeds, trimming hedges and other horticultural activities.

Vocations Ministry

This group helps empower men and women of the parish to consider priesthood and religious life as a positive path for their future. They sponsor the Vocation Cross ministry at the Sunday 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Masses. Families are always welcome to join in their prayerful support of our seminarians.

Pastoral Council

Judith DeGrazia Harrington, Chair
(219) 447-9504
Carol Danapas, Co-Chair

Pastoral Council members serve in helping the pastor know the pulse of the parish and serve as a visioning body. Members are selected by lot after a discernment process and serve for a three-year term.

Marriage Preparation

Married couples at Saint Paul form teams to help engaged couples better explore marriage. They discuss heritage, communication, finances, family issues and spirituality, all as they relate to married life.

Finance Council

The Finance Council assists in reviewing the status of all parish financial reports and budgets. Council members are selected, per canon law, by the pastor. If you have specialized knowledge in the area of accounting or financial experience, please let the pastor know.

Stewardship Committee

This group organizes the annual Ministry Fair and focuses on helping our Saint Paul Catholic Community better understand that all our gifts come from God.

Hispanic Ministry Core Team

Members of this ministry help the Vicar for Hispanic Ministry in developing a vision for the community.

Money Counters

Team of parishioners working together with Parish Bookkeeper to record donations received at Masses. Team members count Monday mornings, rotating on a schedule.

Funeral Luncheons

A beautiful tradition in the Saint Paul Catholic Community is providing free luncheons to our family members following a funeral. A core team arranges for the main dishes, while volunteers are phoned to bring sides, salads and desserts. Donations are always welcome.