Altar Servers
Any boy or girl in the 4th grade or older is invited to this ministry of service at the altar of the Lord. Training sessions are scheduled throughout the year for new servers.

Lisa Givens
(219) 921-9294
Lectors proclaim the readings at Saturday, Sunday and Holy Day Masses at Saint Paul. This ministry is open to all Catholics, high school-age and older. Ministers serve on a rotating schedule.

Children's Liturgy
Leaders are trained to help our young disciples - age 3 through grade 3 - to experience the Word of God in an interactive setting during Mass.

Music Ministry
The Music Ministry's purpose is to share the gospel through song. Engaging all ages and inspiring personal worship.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests and deacons in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. This ministry is open to all Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and are registered parishioners. Ministers are placed on a rotating schedule.

Ushers welcome and assist parishioners at all Masses. Men and women high school-age and older are invited.

Liturgy Managers
Theresa Biggs
Liturgy managers serve as sacristans at the weekend liturgies, preparing vessels and ensuring that ministers are in place. This ministry is open to couples and teams who work on a rotating schedule.

Theresa Kessler
Mike Gratson
Greeters assist in welcoming parishioners and worshipers to Mass on the weekends and Holy Days. They are the ambassadors to the parish and serve on a rotating basis. This ministry is open to families and couples, as well as individuals. There is no training needed, just a big smiling face. Greeters are asked to greet at their normal mass they attend each week.

Parishioner Registration
Visitors are invited to register after every weekend liturgy. Members of this ministry serve as the first contact for new parishioners, helping to welcome them to the Saint Paul family.