Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

This Catholic lay organization provides person-to-person assistance to those in need. One-hour meetings are held twice each month.

Nursing Home Ministry

Volunteers help bring the Eucharist to Catholics in seven nursing homes in Valparaiso and assist with Mass each Wednesday.

Knights of Columbus

James Bilder, Grand Knight
(219) 242-4604

The Knights are a group of Catholic men committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and the promotion of priestly vocations. Our council currently has more than 170 members in its ranks. For more information, click here.

St. Agnes Center

Barb Kubiszak, Director
(219) 477-5433

Located on the Saint Paul Catholic Community campus, the St. Agnes Center provides daytime care for seniors living with Alzheimer's and dementia. Volunteers help provide a positive program of social, recreational, and health activities. For more information, click here.

St. Joe Group

This group is a ministry of service to others. Men, women and children participate in various community projects, like "Building Together," and also organize an annual service-learning trip to Morehead, Ky., where they build wheelchair ramps and help those in need.

Funeral Luncheons

A beautiful tradition in the Saint Paul Catholic Community is providing free luncheons to our family members following a funeral. A core team arranges for the main dishes, while volunteers are phoned to bring sides, salads and desserts. Donations are always welcome.

Marjorie Clifford Senior Circle

Joseph DeCenzo, Coordinator
(574) 904-7139

The Senior Circle provides Saint Paul parishioners age 65 and older with the assistance they need to stay in their own homes. This includes things like providing transportation to doctor appointments or shopping. Funding for this program is through a generous grant from longtime Saint Paul parishioner Marjorie Clifford.

Valparaiso Christian Food Pantry

The Saint Paul Catholic Community, along with a number of other churches throughout Valparaiso, assists in staffing and stocking the Christian Food Pantry, located the corner of Chicago and Jefferson streets in downtown Valparaiso. Parishioners are always invited to bring groceries and place them in the bin in the narthex.

Communion Ministers at Northwest Health Hospital

In need of Chairperson

These ministers visit all Catholic patients at Northwest Help Hospital each Saturday and return Sunday to distribute the Eucharist to patients desiring to receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. *This ministry is in need of a chairperson. If you are interested, please call the parish office.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands serves the needs of parishioners who need rides to church. Drivers assist a parishioner once each month. Volunteer drivers are needed.

Saint Paul Free Clothing Center

Debbie Dodd, Manager
(219) 462-0074

The Saint Paul Clothing Center provides free clothing to people in need. Donations are accepted during the daytime hours and volunteers are welcome.

Respect Life

Through faith formation, evangelization, education, and community action, this group seeks to promote a culture of life - from conception to natural death. This group meets the first Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. for food, fellowship, and formation in the lower level of the St. Agnes Center.

Apostolic & Hunger

This group sponsors the collection of food at Thanksgiving and Christmas and the distribution to more than 200 families. They also help in coordinating the Christmas toy and gift drive to Appalachia.

Oasis Club

The Oasis Club is a social and charitable organization offering friendship, fun, support for parish and community and affirmation of its members' commitment to Christian values. Membership is open to all women.

Saint Paul Men's Club

Chuck Scheuer, President
(219) 798-9105
Steve Davidock, Secretary

The Saint Paul Men's Club is an organization committed to serving its parish and the community. This group of men meets at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month in the lower level of the Tiny Tim's gathering room, fellowship and fraternity. They sponsor numerous activities all designed to promote Christian values while supporting their parish and community.

Senior Group

This is a social group open to all parishioners and friends age 55 and older. They meet for a potluck luncheon at noon on the second Tuesday of the month in the social hall.