Altar Servers
Any boy or girl in the 4th grade or older is invited to this ministry of service at the altar of the Lord. Training sessions are scheduled throughout the year for new servers.

Lisa Givens
(219) 921-9294
Lectors proclaim the readings at Saturday, Sunday and Holy Day Masses at Saint Paul. This ministry is open to all Catholics, high school-age and older. Ministers serve on a rotating schedule.

Children's Liturgy
Leaders and assistants in middle school, high school, and beyond are trained to help our young disciples - age 3 through grade 3 - to experience the Word of God in an interactive setting during Mass.

Music Ministry
The Music Ministry's purpose is to share the gospel through song. Engaging all ages and inspiring personal worship.

Hispanic Music Ministry
The Music Ministry's purpose is to share the gospel through song. Engaging all ages and inspiring personal worship.

Life Teen
LIFE Teen is a movement within the Catholic Church leading teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. At Saint Paul, LIFE Teen meets every Sunday for the 5:30 p.m. Mass, usually followed by a LIFE Night, ending at 8:30. Any teenager currently in high school is welcome to join. Adults who enjoy ministering to teens are welcome to be part of the CORE Team.

EDGE is a nationally recognized Catholic middle school youth ministry program. At Saint Paul, our EDGE program is tailored to meet the educational, spiritual, emotional and social needs of early adolescents in grades six, seven and eight. Through enriching spiritual experiences, amazing service projects and fun-filled social gatherings, EDGE strives to enrich Catholic youth and draw them closer to Jesus.

Religious Education
Together, we partner with parents to help children grow in faith. We invite any Catholic who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation to consider volunteering your time as a catechist, click here.

Saint Paul Pedallers
Saint Paul Pedallers is a bicycle group that is open to all our parishioners of any age. Our goal is to have two rides per month, May through October at various locations around Valparaiso.