Parish Vocations Ministry
“Do not be afraid of holiness. It will take away non of your energy, vitality or joy.” -Pope Francis
What exactly does it mean to discern your vocation?
Because a vocation is a serious commitment of one’s life to follow God’s call, proper effort and care are required to determine what God’s call is. This diligent consideration of what God is calling one to do is called vocational discernment.
Proper discernment requires a person to:
- know and understand oneself – personality, strengths and weaknesses, inclinations, spirituality, mental ability, even physical health
- know, understand, and love our Catholic Faith
- understand the different vocations, what they entail, and what they mean for the lives of those who embrace them
Of course, this cannot happen instantaneously, so vocational discernment is not a quick and easy task. Once begun, it often takes months, and sometimes years to determine what route to begin. And once begun, it often takes years to determine the final answer to the question “what is my vocation?”
Thus, discernment requires study, prayer, and patience. And one cannot discern alone. The best way to discern is with help from the Church, ideally from a priest or someone trustworthy to help guide you. This spiritual director can help you to better understand yourself and where God is calling you.
If you want any help discerning where God may be leading you – from simple questions to more in-depth guidance – we can help! Contact us!
From The Office of Vocations from the Diocese of Gary

Resources and More Information
The Saint Paul Parish Vocations Ministry is devoted to pray and encourage the discernment of vocations to priesthood and consecrated life not only in our parish and Diocese.
“… Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” -Luke 10:2