The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
The sacrament of Reconciliation grants us the forgiveness and healing we need. When Jesus healed the sick, he often told them: “Your sins are forgiven.” He healed the body of those who sought him but above all he healed their souls. Jesus is still healing our souls through the sacrament of reconciliation (confession).
Holy Communion is the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The Sacrament of First Communion is the celebration where children receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. The St. Paul Religious Education Program provides comprehensive faith formation preparation for children to celebrate this sacrament.

The Religious Education program offers classes for children in Kindergarten through Eighth grade. Faith formation for the preparation to receive Sacraments begins in first grade. Here is a brief description of the process.
Year 1 First year of religious formation. (regularly begins the first-grade school)
Year 2 Second year of religious formation + preparation for the First Reconciliation
Year 3 Third year of religious formation + preparation for First Communion
Years 4+ The Religious Education program offers classes through eighth grade, and children are expected to continue their faith formation to enter the Life Teen program in their first year of High School. If your child does not continue formation classes after receiving First Communion, it may result in additional years of faith formation before the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Call the R.E. Office to register: 219-464-8505
The Sacrament of Confirmation
The word Confirmation means to affirm or consolidate which tells us a lot. The sacrament of Confirmation strengthens and completes the work carried out in Baptism by our parents and godparents. The teens, now more mature in faith, make the free will decision to Confirm and continue with the baptismal promises. In this sacrament, the teen candidate is sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Confirmation Preparation Program
Any high school freshman who has been baptized received the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, and completed faith formation through eighth grade OR has completed both Religion Readiness and Confirmation Readiness programs is eligible to enter the LIFE Confirmation Preparation Program.
To prepare the teens for the Sacrament of Confirmation, candidates are expected to attend the LIFE NIGHTS sessions on Sunday nights, which are part of the LIFE TEEN program. The 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass is the youth Mass. LIFE TEEN is a Eucharist-focused program, so it’s great when all candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation can celebrate Mass together. Families are also encouraged to attend this Mass when they can.
Documents required for Confirmation Preparation: Baptism Certificate, First Communion Certificate, and Transcript from a Catholic School or Religious Education program showing eight years of Catholic Education or Faith Formation. These documents are to be submitted to the LIFE TEEN office.
Life Teen Director: Mark Chargualaf, 219-265-6656,
CLICK HERE to visit the St. Paul LIFE TEEN page for more info.

Pre-Confirmation Readiness
If your child did not receive First Reconciliation or First Communion or if they did not continue faith formation through eighth grade and there is a “gap” in his/her faith formation but wish to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, families are asked to make an appointment with the Religious Education office to register for the Religion Readiness program. The Religion Readiness program is designed to provide faith formation to fill in any gaps in their Sacramental preparation leading up to becoming eligible for enrollment in Life Teen Confirmation Preparation.
A baptism certificate and a first communion certificate (if applicable) are required for enrollment in the Religion Readiness Program. A transcript from a Catholic School or Religious Education program showing the years enrolled in school or the Faith Formation Program is also required.
Religious Education Office Director: Diane Matthys, 219-464-8202,